Using Logistic Regression in R to Forecast Employee Attrition

Ujang Riswanto
9 min readJan 15, 2025


Photo by Myriam Jessier on Unsplash

Employee attrition — basically, when people leave your company — can be a big headache for businesses. It’s not just about replacing someone who’s walked out the door. High attrition can mess with team dynamics, cost a fortune in recruiting and training, and even hurt overall performance. So, figuring out why employees leave and predicting when they might is a pretty big deal.

That’s where data analytics comes in. Instead of guessing or relying on gut feelings, we can use data to spot patterns and make informed decisions. Predictive modeling lets you look at employee data — things like tenure, job satisfaction, and performance — and get a heads-up about who might be thinking of leaving.

Now, let’s talk about logistic regression. This nifty tool is great for binary outcomes, like predicting whether an employee will stay or leave. It’s simple enough to understand but powerful enough to deliver actionable insights. And here’s the best part: you can easily build a logistic regression model in R, a free and user-friendly programming language.

In this article, we’ll break down the steps to use logistic regression in R to forecast employee attrition. Whether you’re a data analyst, HR professional, or just someone curious about how numbers can tell a story, this guide will walk you through the process — from understanding the data to making accurate predictions. Let’s dive in!🚀

Understanding the Dataset

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Before we start predicting anything, we need to get up close and personal with the data. Think of your dataset as the foundation of your model — if it’s shaky or incomplete, your predictions won’t hold up. So, let’s dig in.

Data Collection

First things first: where does the data come from? Most companies already have tons of employee data tucked away in HR systems, payroll software, or even survey results. For predicting attrition, some of the key data points to gather include:

  • Demographics: Age, gender, education level, marital status.
  • Job-related details: Role, department, salary, promotions, and performance scores.
  • Behavioral indicators: Absenteeism, training participation, or even work-from-home frequency.

The more relevant data you have, the better your model will perform. But remember, quality > quantity.

Preprocessing the Data

Once you have your dataset, it’s time to clean it up. Here’s what that looks like:

  1. Handle missing values: Missing data is super common, but leaving gaps can mess with your model. You can fill in blanks with averages (for numbers) or the most common category (for text).
  2. Encode categorical variables: Got columns with labels like “Yes/No” or “Sales/IT/HR”? You’ll need to convert these into numbers so the model can process them. R makes this easy with functions like as.factor() or dummy variables.
  3. Normalize or scale: If your data includes things like salary (in thousands) and years of experience (in single digits), you might want to standardize these so no single variable dominates the model.

When your dataset is tidy and ready to go, you’re setting yourself up for success. In the next step, we’ll dive into building the logistic regression model in R. But for now, give yourself a pat on the back — data wrangling is no small feat!

Building the Logistic Regression Model in R

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Alright, now that our dataset is sparkling clean, it’s time to build the model. Logistic regression might sound fancy, but it’s really just a way to find patterns in your data and predict binary outcomes — like whether an employee stays or leaves. And with R, it’s straightforward enough for anyone to get started.

Loading Required Libraries

First up, we’ll need to load some libraries in R. These are like little toolkits that make coding easier. For logistic regression, you’ll use some of the following:

library(dplyr)  # For data manipulation
library(caret) # For model building and evaluation

If you’re new to R, you can install these libraries using install.packages("dplyr") and install.packages("caret").

Splitting the Data

Before we dive into modeling, we need to divide our data into two parts:

  • Training set: This is where your model learns patterns.
  • Test set: This is where you check if your model actually learned anything useful.

Here’s how you can split the data in R:

set.seed(123)  # For consistent results
trainIndex <- createDataPartition(dataset$Attrition, p = 0.7, list = FALSE)
trainData <- dataset[trainIndex, ]
testData <- dataset[-trainIndex, ]

In this example, 70% of the data goes to training, and the rest is used for testing.

Training the Logistic Regression Model

Now comes the fun part: building the model! In R, you’ll use the glm() function, which stands for “generalized linear model.” Here’s a quick example:

model <- glm(Attrition ~ Age + JobSatisfaction + MonthlyIncome, 
data = trainData,
family = binomial)
  • Attrition is our target variable (what we’re predicting).
  • The stuff after ~ (like Age, JobSatisfaction, etc.) are the predictors.
  • family = binomial tells R we’re doing logistic regression (because it deals with binary outcomes).

Model Summary and Interpretation

Run the summary(model) function, and you’ll see a table of coefficients, p-values, and more.

  • Coefficients: Show how much each variable impacts attrition. Positive values increase the likelihood of leaving, while negative values decrease it.
  • P-values: Tell you if a variable is statistically significant (look for values < 0.05).
  • Odds Ratios: Convert coefficients using exp(coef(model)) to see how much a one-unit change in a variable affects the odds of attrition.

That’s it! You’ve officially built a logistic regression model in R. In the next step, we’ll see how to test its performance and make sure it’s actually useful. But for now, give yourself a high-five — you’re on your way to becoming an attrition-predicting pro!

Evaluating the Model

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You’ve built your logistic regression model — congrats! But before we start making predictions, we need to ask an important question: Is this model any good? Evaluating the model helps us figure out if it’s reliable or just spitting out random guesses. Let’s dive into how to test its performance.

Performance Metrics

When it comes to evaluating a logistic regression model, there are a few key metrics to keep an eye on:

  • Accuracy: The percentage of correct predictions (but beware — accuracy alone can be misleading in unbalanced datasets).
  • Precision: Out of all the times the model predicted someone would leave, how many were actually correct?
  • Recall: Out of all the employees who actually left, how many did the model correctly identify?
  • F1 Score: A balanced measure that considers both precision and recall.

In R, you can calculate these metrics using the caret package:

predictions <- predict(model, testData, type = "response")
predictedClasses <- ifelse(predictions > 0.5, 1, 0)
confusionMatrix(factor(predictedClasses), factor(testData$Attrition))

This will give you a confusion matrix and all the juicy details about how well your model is performing.

Confusion Matrix

Speaking of confusion matrices, they’re a great way to understand your model’s performance. Here’s what it looks like:

Confusion Matrix

From this, you can see where the model nailed it (true positives and true negatives) and where it missed (false positives and false negatives).

If you’re using R, the confusionMatrix() function mentioned earlier will generate this table for you.


To make sure your model isn’t just getting lucky on one dataset, it’s a good idea to use cross-validation. This involves splitting your data into multiple folds and training/testing the model on each fold. In R, you can do this with trainControl() from the caret package:

control <- trainControl(method = "cv", number = 10)  # 10-fold cross-validation
cvModel <- train(Attrition ~ ., data = trainData, method = "glm", family = "binomial", trControl = control)

Cross-validation ensures that your model generalizes well and isn’t overfitting to your training data.

Evaluating your model might not sound as exciting as building it, but trust me, it’s worth it. After all, what’s the point of having a prediction tool if it can’t predict well? Once you’re confident in your model’s performance, you’re ready to start forecasting employee attrition and uncovering actionable insights. Let’s keep going!

Forecasting and Insights

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You’ve cleaned your data, built a solid logistic regression model, and tested it to make sure it’s reliable. Now comes the fun part — using it to make predictions and turning those predictions into real-world actions.

Using the Model to Predict Attrition

To forecast attrition, we’ll use our trained model on new or unseen employee data. This is where the rubber meets the road:

newPredictions <- predict(model, newEmployeeData, type = "response")
newPredictedClasses <- ifelse(newPredictions > 0.5, "Leave", "Stay")

Here’s what’s happening:

  • type = "response" gives us probabilities instead of raw model output.
  • The ifelse() function classifies employees as "Stay" or "Leave" based on a 0.5 threshold. You can adjust this threshold if needed (e.g., 0.6 for stricter predictions).

Once you’ve run the predictions, you’ll get a neat list of employees and their likelihood of leaving.

Practical Applications of Predictions

So, now you know who’s most likely to leave. What’s next? Let’s talk about how to turn those predictions into actionable strategies:

  1. Targeted Retention Programs
  • High-risk employees (those with high attrition probabilities) can be prioritized for interventions like salary adjustments, career growth opportunities, or mentorship programs.

2. Engagement Surveys

  • Send targeted surveys to employees flagged as “at risk” to better understand their concerns.

3. Data-Driven HR Decisions

  • Use your insights to make broader changes, like revising policies, improving work-life balance, or addressing systemic issues that might lead to attrition.

4. Budget Planning

  • Predicting attrition helps HR allocate budgets more effectively — for example, knowing how much to set aside for recruitment or training.

Example Insight

Let’s say your model reveals that employees in the sales department with low job satisfaction and high overtime hours are most likely to leave. This insight gives you a starting point:

  • Investigate if there’s a workload issue in sales.
  • Consider offering more flexible hours or extra support for these employees.
  • Explore ways to boost job satisfaction, like recognition programs or skill-building workshops.

By forecasting employee attrition, you’re not just solving problems — you’re staying ahead of them. It’s about being proactive instead of reactive, which is a game-changer for any organization.

Now that you’ve seen how to predict and act on employee attrition, the next step is to keep improving. Whether that’s tweaking your model, exploring new data sources, or diving into advanced analytics, there’s always more to learn. But for now, give yourself a pat on the back — you’ve just unlocked the power of data-driven HR!


And that’s a wrap! You’ve just gone through the entire process of using logistic regression in R to predict employee attrition. From cleaning your dataset to building a model and turning predictions into actionable insights, you’ve got the tools to tackle attrition head-on.

So, why does this matter? For starters, predicting attrition means fewer surprises for your business. Instead of scrambling to replace top talent, you can focus on keeping them happy and engaged. Plus, the financial savings and productivity boosts from proactive retention efforts can be huge.

But let’s keep it real — logistic regression isn’t perfect. It works best when relationships between variables are straightforward, and it can struggle with more complex patterns. If you find yourself wanting even deeper insights, there are other methods to explore, like decision trees or machine learning models.

The great thing about this process is that it’s not just for data scientists. With a little patience and some R coding skills, anyone can use logistic regression to uncover trends and make smarter decisions.

Now it’s your turn: Take what you’ve learned here and apply it to your own data. Whether you’re an HR pro, a data enthusiast, or just someone curious about analytics, this is your chance to make a real impact. Go ahead, and start predicting attrition like a pro — you’ve got this! 🚀



Ujang Riswanto
Ujang Riswanto

Written by Ujang Riswanto

web developer, uiux enthusiast and currently learning about artificial intelligence

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