Step-by-Step Binary Logistic Regression Implementation in R

Ujang Riswanto
11 min readJan 29, 2025


Photo by ThisisEngineering on Unsplash

Logistic regression might sound like a fancy term, but it’s actually one of the simplest and most effective tools for binary classification problems. Whether you’re predicting whether an email is spam or not, figuring out if a customer will churn, or diagnosing a condition as positive or negative, binary logistic regression has got your back.

So, why use R? Well, R is a powerhouse when it comes to statistical modeling and data analysis. It’s packed with tools that make building and evaluating models not just possible but downright enjoyable (well, for data enthusiasts anyway!).

In this guide, we’re diving headfirst into binary logistic regression with R. Don’t worry if you’re not a statistics whiz or an R pro; we’ll take it step by step, from setting up your environment to interpreting the results. By the end, you’ll have a solid foundation and a working logistic regression model under your belt. Let’s get started!

Understanding Binary Logistic Regression

Photo by Emily Morter on Unsplash

Alright, let’s break this down. Binary logistic regression is like the Swiss Army knife of classification models. It’s super handy when you’re dealing with a dependent variable that can only have two outcomes — think “yes” or “no,” “success” or “failure,” “0” or “1.”

Here’s the gist: instead of trying to predict a specific number (like in linear regression), logistic regression predicts the probability of an event happening. For example, it’ll tell you something like, “Hey, there’s a 70% chance this customer will churn.” Pretty neat, right?

Key Concepts

  • Odds and Log-Odds: This might sound intimidating, but it’s just a fancy way of describing probabilities. Odds compare the chance of something happening to it not happening, and log-odds are just the logarithm of those odds.
  • Logistic Function: This is the magic formula that turns those log-odds into probabilities ranging between 0 and 1.

When Should You Use It?

Binary logistic regression is your go-to when you need to:

  • Predict if something will happen (like a click on an ad).
  • Classify data into two categories (like pass/fail).
  • Model relationships between predictors and a binary outcome.

So, if you’ve got a dataset where your target variable has only two options and you want to make predictions, logistic regression is ready to roll!

Preparing the Environment

Photo by Zach Graves on Unsplash

Before we dive into the actual modeling, let’s get everything set up. Think of this step as organizing your workspace before starting a project — it makes life so much easier.

Setting Up R

First, make sure you’ve got R and RStudio installed. If not, head over to CRAN to grab R and then download RStudio (trust me, it makes coding way more user-friendly).

Now, let’s install a few packages to make our work smooth:

install.packages(c("caret", "pROC", "ggplot2"))

These packages will help with data splitting, model evaluation, and visualizations.

Loading the Dataset

We need some data to play with, right? You can use your own dataset or load one of R’s built-in datasets like mtcars or iris. For this example, let’s assume we’re working with a customer churn dataset where we’re predicting whether a customer will leave (1) or stay (0).

Load your data like this:

data <- read.csv("your-dataset.csv")

Understanding the Dataset

Take a quick peek at your data to understand what you’re working with:

str(data)  # Check structure
summary(data) # Quick summary stats

Why This Step Matters

A clean and well-understood dataset is the foundation of a good model. Skipping this step is like trying to bake a cake without reading the recipe — sure, it might turn out okay, but more often than not, it’ll be a hot mess.

Once everything’s set up, you’re ready to roll into preprocessing and start working some logistic regression magic!

Data Preprocessing

Photo by Campaign Creators on Unsplash

Now that we’ve got everything set up, it’s time to get our hands dirty with the data. Think of this step as tidying up your ingredients before cooking — clean data makes all the difference in the final model.

Step 1: Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA)

Before jumping into the modeling, let’s get to know our dataset a bit better.

  • Check the structure:

This tells you what kinds of variables you’re dealing with (numeric, categorical, etc.).

  • Summary stats:

This gives you a snapshot of your data — minimums, maximums, and averages.

  • Visualizations:
    Use some plots to explore relationships between variables. For example:
ggplot(data, aes(x = Age, fill = as.factor(Target))) +
geom_histogram(position = "dodge")
  • This might reveal patterns like whether older customers are more likely to churn.

Step 2: Cleaning and Transforming

  • Handle Missing Data:
    Missing values are like potholes in the road — ignore them, and you’ll regret it later.
data <- na.omit(data)  # A quick way to drop rows with missing values
  • Encode Categorical Variables:
    Logistic regression only understands numbers, so we need to convert categories into dummy variables.
data$Gender <- ifelse(data$Gender == "Male", 1, 0)
  • Scaling Variables:
    If your predictors have wildly different ranges, scaling can help.
data$Age <- scale(data$Age)

Step 3: Splitting the Dataset

You’ll want to separate your data into a training set (to build the model) and a test set (to see how it performs on new data).

set.seed(123)  # For reproducibility  
train_index <- sample(1:nrow(data), 0.7 * nrow(data))
train_data <- data[train_index, ]
test_data <- data[-train_index, ]

And just like that, you’re ready to build your logistic regression model. Cleaning up your data might not be the most exciting part, but trust me, it’s what makes the modeling process work like a charm. Let’s keep moving!

Building the Model

Photo by Raymond Hsu on Unsplash

Now that our data is clean and ready to go, it’s time to build our binary logistic regression model! Don’t worry — it’s easier than it sounds, and R does most of the heavy lifting for you.

Step 1: Fitting the Model

We’ll use the glm() function in R to create the model. Here’s how it works:

model <- glm(Target ~ Age + Gender + Income, family = "binomial", data = train_data)  
  • Target: This is your dependent variable (the one you’re predicting).
  • Age + Gender + Income: These are your independent variables (the predictors).
  • family = "binomial": Tells R you’re doing logistic regression.

The summary() function gives you a ton of useful info: coefficients, p-values, and more. If the p-value for a predictor is less than 0.05, it’s statistically significant—basically, it’s contributing meaningfully to the prediction.

Step 2: Understanding the Coefficients

The coefficients in a logistic regression model are in log-odds, which can be confusing. Here’s the trick:

  • Positive coefficients mean the variable increases the likelihood of the target being 1.
  • Negative coefficients mean the variable decreases that likelihood.

If you want probabilities instead of log-odds, you can use this formula:

odds <- exp(coef(model))  

Step 3: Making Predictions

Once the model is built, let’s use it to make predictions on the test dataset:

predictions <- predict(model, newdata = test_data, type = "response")  
  • The type = "response" option gives probabilities instead of log-odds.
  • These probabilities will be between 0 and 1, representing the likelihood of the target being 1.

To turn these probabilities into actual classifications (0 or 1), you can set a threshold:

classifications <- ifelse(predictions > 0.5, 1, 0)  

And just like that, you’ve built a logistic regression model and started making predictions! Up next, we’ll dive into evaluating how well your model is performing. Stay tuned!

Model Evaluation

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Alright, we’ve built our model, but how do we know if it’s any good? This is where we evaluate its performance. Think of it as a report card for your model — it’ll tell you what’s working and what’s not.

Step 1: Confusion Matrix

A confusion matrix helps you see how many predictions your model got right and wrong. Here’s how to create one:

conf_matrix <- confusionMatrix(as.factor(classifications), as.factor(test_data$Target))

You’ll get a neat table showing:

  • True Positives (TP): Correctly predicted 1s.
  • True Negatives (TN): Correctly predicted 0s.
  • False Positives (FP): Predicted 1 when it was actually 0.
  • False Negatives (FN): Predicted 0 when it was actually 1.

Step 2: Performance Metrics

From the confusion matrix, you can calculate a few key metrics:

  • Accuracy: Percentage of total predictions that are correct.
  • Precision: Of the predicted 1s, how many were actually 1?
  • Recall (Sensitivity): Of the actual 1s, how many did we correctly predict?
  • F1 Score: A balance between precision and recall.

These metrics are all included in the confusionMatrix() output, so no extra work is needed!

Step 3: ROC Curve and AUC

Want to get fancy? Let’s look at the ROC curve and AUC (Area Under the Curve), which show how well your model distinguishes between classes.

roc_curve <- roc(test_data$Target, predictions)
plot(roc_curve, col = "blue")
  • ROC Curve: A graph showing the trade-off between sensitivity and specificity.
  • AUC: A single number summarizing the ROC curve. The closer to 1, the better.

Step 4: Visualizing Results

Finally, let’s visualize how well the model performed. For example, plot the predicted probabilities vs. actual outcomes:

ggplot(test_data, aes(x = predictions, fill = as.factor(Target))) +
geom_histogram(position = "dodge", bins = 30) +
labs(title = "Predicted Probabilities vs. Actual Outcomes",
x = "Predicted Probability", y = "Count")

By now, you should have a good sense of how your model is performing. If it’s not as accurate as you’d like, don’t sweat it — we’ll talk about optimizing and improving the model in the next section. For now, give yourself a pat on the back — you’ve done some solid data science!

Model Optimization

Photo by Pankaj Patel on Unsplash

Alright, so you’ve built your logistic regression model and checked its performance. If it’s not hitting the mark or you’re looking for ways to make it shine, this section is for you. Let’s talk about optimizing and improving the model.

Step 1: Feature Selection

Sometimes, less is more. Not every variable in your dataset is pulling its weight, and too many predictors can clutter your model. Here’s how to narrow it down:

  • Stepwise Selection: This method adds or removes predictors based on their contribution to the model.
optimized_model <- stepAIC(model, direction = "both")

This will leave you with only the most impactful predictors.

  • Dropping Irrelevant Variables: Check the p-values in your model summary. If a predictor has a high p-value (e.g., > 0.05), it might not be significant and could be removed.

Step 2: Checking for Multicollinearity

Predictors that are too closely related can confuse the model. This is called multicollinearity, and it’s not your friend. Use the Variance Inflation Factor (VIF) to spot troublemakers:


If a VIF is greater than 5 or 10, consider dropping or combining those variables.

Step 3: Hyperparameter Tuning

Even with a simple model like logistic regression, tuning can help. For instance, adjusting the threshold for classification (default is 0.5) can make a big difference. Experiment with different thresholds:

classifications_new <- ifelse(predictions > 0.6, 1, 0)

Evaluate performance at various thresholds to find the sweet spot.

Step 4: Cross-Validation

To make sure your model isn’t just memorizing the training data, use cross-validation. This splits the data into multiple subsets to test the model’s robustness:

control <- trainControl(method = "cv", number = 10)
cv_model <- train(Target ~ Age + Gender + Income,
data = train_data,
method = "glm",
family = "binomial",
trControl = control)

Cross-validation gives you a better idea of how your model will perform on unseen data.

Step 5: Balancing the Dataset

If your target variable is imbalanced (e.g., way more 0s than 1s), the model might struggle to predict the minority class.

  • Over-sampling: Add more instances of the minority class.
  • Under-sampling: Remove some instances of the majority class.
  • Synthetic Data: Use tools like SMOTE to create synthetic examples of the minority class.
balanced_data <- SMOTE(Target ~ ., data = train_data, perc.over = 100, perc.under = 200)

Optimizing your model might take a bit of trial and error, but that’s all part of the fun. With feature selection, tuning, and balancing, you’ll get a model that’s lean, mean, and ready to make killer predictions. Next up, let’s talk about putting that model to work in the real world!

Deploying the Model

Photo by Aaron McLean on Unsplash

You’ve built, evaluated, and optimized your logistic regression model — now it’s time to put it to work! Whether you’re predicting customer behavior or testing a hypothesis, here’s how to deploy your model and make it useful in real-world scenarios.

Step 1: Making Predictions

Let’s say you’ve got some new data (a test dataset or fresh inputs) and want to predict outcomes. Use the predict() function:

new_predictions <- predict(model, newdata = new_data, type = "response")  
  • These predictions are probabilities, so they’ll be numbers between 0 and 1.
  • Want actual classes? Set a threshold (e.g., 0.5):
new_classes <- ifelse(new_predictions > 0.5, 1, 0)  

Step 2: Saving the Model

If you don’t want to rebuild the model every time, save it to your computer.

saveRDS(model, "logistic_model.rds")

When you need it again, load it up like this:

loaded_model <- readRDS("logistic_model.rds")

This is super handy for reusing the model without repeating the entire workflow.

Step 3: Integrating the Model

You can integrate your model into apps, dashboards, or automated workflows. For example:

  • Shiny Apps: Create interactive web apps in R to let users input data and see predictions.
  • APIs: Export your model’s predictions to other systems using R packages like plumber.

Step 4: Documenting Your Workflow

Before you wrap up, document everything — your data sources, steps for preprocessing, model-building process, and evaluation results. This makes it easier to revisit or share your work later.

Deploying your logistic regression model means turning all your hard work into something actionable. Whether you’re making predictions on new data, integrating your model into a larger system, or saving it for future use, this step is where your data science efforts start making an impact.

Take a moment to celebrate — you’ve successfully implemented binary logistic regression in R from start to finish. Now go put that model to good use! 🚀


And there you have it — a complete walkthrough of binary logistic regression in R, from understanding the basics to deploying your model. Hopefully, you’ve seen that logistic regression isn’t as scary as it sounds. With some clean data, a bit of R code, and a touch of patience, you can build a model that makes meaningful predictions.

Let’s quickly recap:

  1. You learned what logistic regression is and when to use it.
  2. You prepped your data like a pro, because clean data = good models.
  3. You built your first logistic regression model and interpreted its results.
  4. You evaluated your model, tweaking and optimizing it to improve performance.
  5. Finally, you deployed your model, making it ready for real-world action.

Whether you’re predicting customer behavior, medical outcomes, or anything else with a binary target, you now have a solid foundation to build on. Remember, the key to mastering data science is practice — so keep experimenting, learning, and refining your skills.

Now go out there and rock your logistic regression projects! 🎉



Ujang Riswanto
Ujang Riswanto

Written by Ujang Riswanto

web developer, uiux enthusiast and currently learning about artificial intelligence

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