Building a Fraud Detection Model Using Logistic Regression in R

Ujang Riswanto
16 min readJan 20, 2025


Photo by Kasia Derenda on Unsplash

Fraud detection is a big deal in today’s digital-first world. From online shopping to financial transactions, the potential for fraud is everywhere, and it’s growing as more services move online. Catching fraudulent activity quickly and accurately can save companies and individuals a lot of money and headaches.

Now, when it comes to fighting fraud with technology, machine learning is a powerful tool. But diving straight into complex algorithms like neural networks might feel overwhelming, especially if you’re just getting started. That’s where logistic regression comes in.

Logistic regression is like the “hello world” of classification problems in machine learning. It’s simple, effective, and gets the job done for binary outcomes — like flagging a transaction as fraudulent or legitimate. Plus, with a tool like R, you can build and test a logistic regression model without breaking a sweat.

In this article, we’ll take you step-by-step through building a fraud detection model using logistic regression in R. By the end, you’ll not only understand how this technique works but also how to apply it to real-world problems. Let’s get started!🚀

Understanding Logistic Regression

Photo by Emily Morter on Unsplash

Alright, let’s talk about logistic regression — a simple yet powerful tool for handling classification problems. At its core, logistic regression helps us figure out the probability of something happening. For example, is a transaction fraudulent or not? The outcome is binary: yes (fraud) or no (not fraud).

Here’s how it works: logistic regression uses a formula (don’t worry, we won’t go too deep into the math) to draw a line between the “yes” and “no” cases based on the data. Unlike regular regression, which gives you a straight number, logistic regression gives you probabilities. It’s like asking, “How likely is it that this transaction is fraud?” and getting an answer between 0 and 1.

Once we have that probability, we can set a threshold (like 0.5) to decide the outcome. If the probability is above 0.5, we call it fraud; if it’s below, we don’t. Easy, right?

So why use logistic regression for fraud detection? First, it’s simple to set up and interpret, even if you’re not a data scientist. Second, it’s surprisingly effective for spotting patterns in structured data, like transaction amounts, times, or locations. And third, it’s a great starting point before moving on to more complex methods.

In short, logistic regression is like a reliable friend: straightforward, helpful, and always there when you need it. Now that we’ve got the basics down, let’s dive into the dataset we’ll use for this project!

Dataset Overview

Photo by Mika Baumeister on Unsplash

Before we jump into building the fraud detection model, let’s take a closer look at the type of data we’ll be working with. In fraud detection, the dataset usually consists of transaction records, and each record has a bunch of features that can help us figure out whether the transaction is legit or suspicious.

Here are some common features you’ll find in a fraud detection dataset:

  • Transaction Amount: How much money is involved? Fraudsters love big numbers but sometimes sneak in with small ones too.
  • Time of Transaction: Odd hours (like 3 a.m.) can be a red flag.
  • Location: Was the transaction made in an unusual place or far from the user’s typical location?
  • Device or Payment Method: New or rarely used devices/methods might indicate fraud.

Now, not all datasets are ready to use right out of the box. That’s where data preprocessing comes in. Think of it like cleaning up before a big party — you want everything in order so things go smoothly.

Here’s what you might need to do:

  • Handle Missing Data: Some records might have gaps. You’ll need to fill them in or drop them, depending on the situation.
  • Scale Numerical Features: Transaction amounts can range from pennies to thousands. Scaling ensures all features are treated fairly by the model.
  • Encode Categorical Data: Features like transaction type or user location might be in text form. Converting them into numbers (like one-hot encoding) makes them usable by the model.

Finally, to evaluate how well our model performs, we’ll split the dataset into training and testing sets. The training set teaches the model, while the testing set checks how well it learned. Think of it like studying for a test and then taking it — same idea!

With a solid dataset in hand, we’re ready to roll up our sleeves and start building our logistic regression model. Let’s move on!

Setting Up the Environment

Photo by Mohammad Rahmani on Unsplash

Alright, let’s get our workspace ready! To build a fraud detection model in R, you’ll need a few tools and libraries to make life easier. Don’t worry — it’s nothing too fancy, and setting it up is a breeze.

Step 1: Install R and RStudio

First things first, make sure you’ve got R installed. R is the programming language we’ll be using. If you don’t have it yet, head over to CRAN and grab the latest version.

Next, download RStudio, which is a super user-friendly interface for working with R. It’s like your home base for coding in R — everything is neat, organized, and just works.

Step 2: Install Necessary Libraries

We’ll need some libraries to handle data, build our model, and visualize results. You can install them all with a few simple commands in R. Open RStudio and type this into the console:

install.packages(c("caret", "dplyr", "ggplot2"))

Here’s what these libraries do:

  • caret: Makes building and evaluating models straightforward.
  • dplyr: Helps you manipulate and clean data easily.
  • ggplot2: Creates beautiful visualizations for exploring data and results.

Step 3: Load Your Libraries

Once installed, load them into your project by typing:


Step 4: Set Up Your Project

Open RStudio and create a new R script or R Markdown file. This is where you’ll write your code. Save your file in a dedicated folder along with your dataset. Keeping everything organized will save you a ton of headaches later!

Bonus: Explore RStudio Features

RStudio has some great features to help you stay productive:

  • Console: Run commands and see immediate results.
  • Script Editor: Write and save longer pieces of code.
  • Environment Tab: See your loaded datasets and variables.
  • Plots Tab: View visualizations without leaving RStudio.

Once you’ve got everything set up, you’re ready to start preprocessing your data. Let’s get to it!

Data Preprocessing in R

Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash

Now that our environment is ready, it’s time to prep the data! Think of this step as getting all the ingredients in place before you start cooking. Clean, organized data is the secret sauce to building a solid fraud detection model. Here’s what we’ll do:

Step 1: Load the Dataset

First, we need to load our dataset into R. Assuming it’s a CSV file (most datasets are), you can use the read.csv() function:

data <- read.csv("your-dataset.csv")
head(data) # Peek at the first few rows

Take a moment to look at the data. What features do we have? Are there any missing values? What does the target variable (fraud/not fraud) look like?

Step 2: Handle Missing Values

Missing data happens. Maybe a transaction didn’t record the location or the time. We can fix this by either filling in the gaps (imputation) or dropping rows/columns that are too messy:

# Fill missing values with the mean (for numerical columns)
data$Amount[$Amount)] <- mean(data$Amount, na.rm = TRUE)

# Or drop rows with missing values
data <- na.omit(data)

Step 3: Scale Numerical Features

Transaction amounts can vary a lot — one user spends $10, another spends $10,000. Scaling ensures these numbers don’t throw off the model:

data$Amount <- scale(data$Amount)

This brings all the numbers into a similar range, making it easier for the model to compare them.

Step 4: Encode Categorical Variables

If you’ve got features like payment method or location in text format, you’ll need to convert them into numbers. One-hot encoding is a popular way to do this:

data <- dummyVars("~ .", data = data) %>% predict(data)

Step 5: Split the Data

We need to split our dataset into two parts:

  • Training Set: To train the model.
  • Testing Set: To evaluate how well the model performs on unseen data.

Here’s how you can split it using caret:

set.seed(123)  # For reproducibility
trainIndex <- createDataPartition(data$Fraud, p = 0.8, list = FALSE)
trainData <- data[trainIndex, ]
testData <- data[-trainIndex, ]

Now, 80% of the data is ready for training, and 20% is set aside for testing.

Step 6: Double-Check Everything

Before moving on, check the structure and summary of your data:


That’s it! Your data is now clean, scaled, and split. We’re ready to build our logistic regression model and start detecting fraud like pros. Let’s do this!

Building the Logistic Regression Model

Photo by Emile Perron on Unsplash

Now it’s time for the fun part — building the fraud detection model! We’re going to use logistic regression, which is simple, effective, and perfect for this kind of problem. Let’s dive in.

Step 1: Set Up the Model

In R, you can build a logistic regression model using the glm() function. Here’s how you do it:

# Build the logistic regression model
fraudModel <- glm(Fraud ~ ., data = trainData, family = binomial)
summary(fraudModel) # Check out the model details

Here’s what’s happening:

  • Fraud ~ . tells R that we want to predict the Fraud column using all the other columns as features.
  • family = binomial specifies that this is a logistic regression model (binary classification).

Step 2: Understand the Summary

The summary() function gives you a ton of useful info. Pay attention to:

  • Coefficients: These tell you how each feature influences the outcome.
  • Significance Levels: Look for stars (***)—they show which features are the most important.

If some features aren’t significant, you might want to remove them and rebuild the model for better performance.

Step 3: Make Predictions

Once the model is trained, it’s time to make predictions on the test data:

predictions <- predict(fraudModel, newdata = testData, type = "response")
head(predictions) # These are probabilities

The type = "response" option gives us probabilities for each transaction being fraudulent.

Step 4: Convert Probabilities to Classes

To decide whether a transaction is fraud or not, we’ll set a threshold (usually 0.5):

predictedClasses <- ifelse(predictions > 0.5, 1, 0)
head(predictedClasses) # Fraud (1) or Not Fraud (0)

Step 5: Check Model Accuracy

Finally, let’s see how well the model did by comparing predictions with the actual values:

confusionMatrix <- table(Predicted = predictedClasses, Actual = testData$Fraud)

You’ll get a table showing:

  • True Positives (correctly predicted fraud).
  • True Negatives (correctly predicted no fraud).
  • False Positives (flagged fraud but wasn’t).
  • False Negatives (missed fraud).

From here, you can calculate metrics like accuracy, precision, and recall to see how good your model really is.

Step 6: Celebrate Your First Model

Congratulations! You just built a fraud detection model using logistic regression. It’s simple yet effective, and now you’ve got the foundation to tweak, improve, and even explore more advanced techniques. Let’s move on to evaluating performance in more detail!💪🏻

Evaluating Model Performance

Photo by Riku Lu on Unsplash

So, you’ve built your logistic regression model — great job! But how do you know if it’s actually doing a good job at spotting fraud? That’s where evaluation metrics come in. Let’s break it down step by step.

Step 1: The Confusion Matrix

A confusion matrix is like a report card for your model. It tells you how many transactions were predicted correctly and where it slipped up. Here’s how to create one in R:

confusionMatrix <- table(Predicted = predictedClasses, Actual = testData$Fraud)

Here’s what the matrix shows:

  • True Positives (TP): Fraud correctly identified.
  • True Negatives (TN): Legit transactions correctly labeled.
  • False Positives (FP): Legit transactions flagged as fraud (oops).
  • False Negatives (FN): Fraud that slipped through (yikes).

Step 2: Key Metrics to Check

Let’s calculate some metrics to see how well the model performs:

  1. Accuracy: How often the model gets it right overall.
accuracy <- sum(diag(confusionMatrix)) / sum(confusionMatrix)

2. Precision: Out of all the transactions flagged as fraud, how many were actually fraud?

precision <- confusionMatrix[2, 2] / sum(confusionMatrix[2, ])

3. Recall (Sensitivity): Out of all the actual fraud cases, how many did we catch?

recall <- confusionMatrix[2, 2] / sum(confusionMatrix[, 2])

4. F1-Score: A balanced metric that combines precision and recall.

f1 <- 2 * (precision * recall) / (precision + recall)

Step 3: The ROC Curve and AUC

The ROC curve (Receiver Operating Characteristic) is a cool way to visualize how well your model separates fraud from legit transactions at different thresholds. You can plot it like this:

rocCurve <- roc(testData$Fraud, predictions)
plot(rocCurve, main = "ROC Curve")
auc(rocCurve) # Area Under the Curve

The AUC (Area Under the Curve) score ranges from 0 to 1, where closer to 1 means your model is pretty awesome.

Step 4: Interpret the Results

Now that you’ve got all these metrics, here’s what to look for:

  • High Precision? Your model isn’t over-flagging legit transactions.
  • High Recall? Your model is catching most of the fraud.
  • Good Balance? If precision and recall are both solid, your F1-Score will be too.

Step 5: Identify Weak Spots

No model is perfect, and that’s okay! If your precision is low, you might want to tweak the threshold or add better features. If recall is low, the model might need more data or advanced techniques.

And there you have it — your model has been evaluated! With these metrics, you’ll know exactly where it shines and where it could use a little polish. Ready to step up your game? Let’s talk about improving performance next!

Improving Model Performance

Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash

So, your logistic regression model is up and running — awesome! But maybe you’re noticing a few hiccups, like missing some fraud cases or flagging too many legit ones. Don’t worry! Improving your model is part of the process. Here are some easy ways to take it to the next level.

Step 1: Fine-Tune Your Features

Your model is only as good as the data it’s trained on. Better features mean better results. Here’s what you can do:

  • Feature Selection: Not all features are helpful. Drop the ones that don’t add much value. You can use methods like Recursive Feature Elimination (RFE) or check the p-values from your logistic regression model to see which features are significant.
# Example using caret
control <- rfeControl(functions = rfFuncs, method = "cv", number = 10)
rfeModel <- rfe(trainData[, -1], trainData$Fraud, sizes = c(1:5), rfeControl = control)
  • Feature Engineering: Create new features from existing ones. For example, you can add a feature like “transaction time since last transaction” to highlight unusual activity.

Step 2: Address Class Imbalance

Fraud cases are often rare, making it hard for the model to learn what fraud looks like. Here’s how to fix that:

  • Oversampling: Duplicate fraud cases in the training set to balance the dataset. Use libraries like ROSE or DMwR.
balancedData <- ovun.sample(Fraud ~ ., data = trainData, method = "over", N = 2 * table(trainData$Fraud)[1])$data
  • Undersampling: Reduce the number of legit cases to balance the dataset.
  • SMOTE: A popular method that creates synthetic fraud cases.

Step 3: Tweak the Model Threshold

By default, we classify fraud if the probability is over 0.5, but that’s not set in stone. Try adjusting the threshold to find the sweet spot between precision and recall:

# Adjust threshold
predictedClasses <- ifelse(predictions > 0.3, 1, 0) # Lowering the threshold

Lower thresholds can catch more fraud (boost recall), while higher ones reduce false alarms (boost precision).

Step 4: Add Regularization

If your model is overfitting (doing great on training data but poorly on testing), regularization can help. It adds a penalty for overly complex models.

  • Lasso Regression: Shrinks less important coefficients to zero.
  • Ridge Regression: Reduces the size of coefficients without setting them to zero.

In R, you can use the glmnet package to apply regularization:

x <- as.matrix(trainData[, -1]) # Features
y <- trainData$Fraud # Target
lassoModel <- cv.glmnet(x, y, family = "binomial", alpha = 1) # Alpha = 1 for Lasso

Step 5: Try Other Algorithms

If logistic regression isn’t cutting it, don’t be afraid to explore other models! Tree-based methods like Random Forest or Gradient Boosting are great for structured data and can handle fraud detection with ease.

Step 6: Test and Iterate

Improvement doesn’t happen overnight. Make one change at a time, test the results, and see what works. Use cross-validation to ensure your tweaks actually improve performance across different data splits.

No model is perfect, but with these strategies, you can make yours smarter and more reliable. Start small, test often, and keep tweaking until you’re happy with the results. Next up? Deploying your model and tackling fraud in the real world! Let’s go!🚀

Deploying Your Fraud Detection Model

Photo by Christopher Gower on Unsplash

You’ve built, tested, and fine-tuned your fraud detection model — amazing work! Now it’s time to put it out in the real world where it can actually make a difference. Deploying a model might sound intimidating, but it’s really just about getting your code to work in a live environment. Let’s break it down.

Step 1: Save Your Model

First, you’ll want to save your model so you can load it later without retraining. In R, you can save your model using the saveRDS() function:

# Save the model
saveRDS(fraudModel, file = "fraud_model.rds")

# Load the model later
loadedModel <- readRDS("fraud_model.rds")

This ensures your hard work doesn’t get lost, and you can reuse the model whenever needed.

Step 2: Create a Prediction Function

Wrap your model’s prediction process into a neat function. This makes it easy to pass new transactions to the model and get results:

predictFraud <- function(newData) {
predictions <- predict(loadedModel, newdata = newData, type = "response")
predictedClasses <- ifelse(predictions > 0.5, "Fraud", "Not Fraud")

Now you have a simple function to predict fraud with just one line of code.

Step 3: Choose a Deployment Platform

Decide where your model will live:

  • Web Applications: Use tools like Shiny in R to create a user-friendly interface for real-time predictions.
  • APIs: Convert your model into a REST API using plumber so other systems can send transaction data and get fraud predictions.

# Create an API
#* @post /predict
predictEndpoint <- function(newData) {
  • Batch Processing: If you’re working with large datasets, deploy the model to process transactions in batches instead of one at a time.

Step 4: Monitor Performance

Once deployed, your model will be handling real-world data, which can be messy and unpredictable. Keep an eye on:

  • Accuracy: Is the model still flagging fraud correctly?
  • False Positives: Are too many legit transactions being flagged?
  • Data Drift: Is the nature of the data changing over time (e.g., new fraud patterns)?

Set up alerts or dashboards to track these metrics so you can step in and retrain the model if needed.

Step 5: Plan for Retraining

Models can “age” as fraudsters evolve their tactics. Retraining the model with fresh data every few months keeps it sharp. Automate this process if possible to save time.

Step 6: Celebrate!

You did it! Deploying a fraud detection model isn’t just about writing code — it’s about making a real-world impact. Whether you’re stopping credit card scams or catching fake transactions, your model is helping make things safer for everyone.

Now sit back, grab a cup of coffee (or your favorite treat), and celebrate your accomplishment. But don’t get too comfy — there’s always another exciting data challenge waiting around the corner! 🚀

Conclusion and Next Steps

Congrats, you’ve successfully built and deployed a fraud detection model using logistic regression in R! 🎉 You’ve learned a ton along the way, from handling data preprocessing to evaluating your model’s performance and even deploying it in the real world. But this is just the beginning! Let’s take a quick look at what you’ve accomplished and what’s next on your data science journey.

What You’ve Learned

  • Data Preprocessing: Cleaning and organizing data is half the battle. You’ve learned how to handle missing values, scale features, and encode categorical data — skills you’ll use in every data project.
  • Building the Model: You got hands-on with logistic regression, a solid starting point for classification problems like fraud detection.
  • Evaluating Performance: By diving into metrics like accuracy, precision, recall, and ROC curves, you learned how to assess your model’s effectiveness and make improvements.
  • Deploying the Model: You’ve taken your model out of the notebook and into the real world, ready to start catching fraud in action.

Next Steps: Keep Improving!

While your model is good, there’s always room to grow. Here are a few ideas for what you can tackle next:

  • Experiment with Other Algorithms: Logistic regression is a great starting point, but tree-based models like Random Forest or Gradient Boosting often perform even better with complex datasets. Don’t be afraid to try out new techniques!
  • Handle More Complex Data: Fraud patterns are constantly changing, and the data you work with will evolve. Consider incorporating time series data, transaction networks, or even using natural language processing (NLP) for analyzing text-based data like customer complaints.
  • Optimize Model Performance: Play around with hyperparameter tuning and advanced techniques like cross-validation or feature engineering. These steps will help your model become even more reliable.
  • Real-Time Fraud Detection: Take it a step further and make your model run in real time, responding instantly to new transactions. This might involve integrating your model with a payment system or using streaming data tools.

Resources to Keep Learning

  • Books & Courses: There are plenty of great books and online courses to help you dive deeper into machine learning, data science, and advanced techniques for fraud detection.
  • Communities: Join data science communities (like Stack Overflow, Kaggle, or Reddit’s r/datascience) to stay updated on the latest trends and share your progress with others.
  • Practice: Like any skill, the more you practice, the better you get. Try applying what you’ve learned to different datasets or challenges!

Final Thoughts

Building a fraud detection system is no small feat, but you’ve just taken a huge step in your data science journey. By applying the skills you’ve learned here, you can tackle all kinds of problems in the world of data. Keep experimenting, learning, and refining your skills — there’s always more to explore in the fascinating world of machine learning.

Good luck, and happy coding! 😎🚀



Ujang Riswanto
Ujang Riswanto

Written by Ujang Riswanto

web developer, uiux enthusiast and currently learning about artificial intelligence

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